

Well, it took almost two years but it's finally done.    Ignore the posts and photos of the quilt backs -  I did not use them for this project but will probably use them for something else... The project had stalled in January 2022 and did not proceed until Carmit came from Munich for a visit.  She agreed to longarm the quilts for me but advised me not to use the backings I had made.  Instead, we bought new batting and backing at The Quilt Store in Newmarket where I had rented time on their longarm machine.  Carmit spent six hours longarming the quilts, doing stitch in the ditch so as not to detract from the tie designs.  She also helped me with the facing. And here they are: Am I relieved?  Yes.  Do I feel an enormous sense of accomplishment?  Yes. Thanks for reading.

Second Back Sustantially finished

 The two side panels need to be sewn but I'm just too pooped to sew two more seams and I have a few other projects to finish today - my "day off", ha ha.

The Torah Tie Project

Before I begin, I have to give a big shout out and todah rabah to the Toronto Pomegranate Guild's online Lunch and Shmooze initiative.  Without it, I would never have known about the ties nor have taken photographs and emailed them to the POM to share at the Lunch and Shmooze so I would have no photos or timeline of The Torah Tie Project (the "Project") Towards the end of April, 2021, I was gifted four plastic shoe boxes of silk ties.  I was reluctant to take them because my previous tie project "Marty's Ties" was daunting.      Marty's Ties was a big project and a daunting undertaking.  My cousin had given me her late husband's ties "to do something with".   There were close to 100 ties.  I used a pattern from a book by Christine Copenhaven called "Necktie Quilts Reinvented".  For this project, I needed 108 different ties.  Fortunately, some ties were reversible.  So in the 108 tie wedges, there are no repeats. Those ties